What is the cosmological effect of singer Zayn Malik leaving the best-selling boy band One Direction and consequently disappointing millions of teenage girls around the world?歌手泽恩·马利克解散热门的“单向”男孩乐队,进而造成数以百万计的世界各地少女悲伤——这不会有什么宇宙学效应吗?The advice of British cosmologist Stephen Hawking to heartbroken fans is to follow theoretical physics, because Malik may well still be a member of the pop group in another universe.英国宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金给伤心欲绝的歌迷们的建议是遵循理论物理,因为马利克很有可能在另外一个宇宙依然是单向乐队的成员。The physicist took a break from speaking about his work as one of the worlds leading scientists to answer the question from one upset fan during a talk at Sydney Opera House at the weekend.这位物理学家是世界顶尖的科学家之一,他周末参与了悉尼歌剧院举行的一个谈话节目,工作之余,他问了一位失望歌迷的发问。Finally a question about something important, Hawking, who appeared via hologram, said to loud laughs from the audience.霍金通过全息投影对愈演愈烈出有笑声的观众说:“总算有人回答了一个最重要的问题。”My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay attention to the study of theoretical physics because, one day, there may well be proof of multiple universes.“我建议任何伤心的小女孩都应当注目理论物理的研究,因为惜有一天,我们不会有多重宇宙的证据。
”It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another, different universe and, in that universe, Zayn is still in One Direction.“不回避这种可能性:我们不存在的这个宇宙之外还有另一个有所不同的宇宙,在那个宇宙中,泽恩依然是单向的成员。”The wheelchair-bound scientist, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, appeared at the talk in the form of a hologram streamed from Cambridge, England.当天霍金就是指英国剑桥通过全息投影参与该座谈的。
这位轮椅上的科学家21岁时被临床患上运动神经元疾病。Now 73, he is known for his work on black holes and his international bestseller A Brief History of Time.现今73岁的霍金以其关于黑洞的著作和国际畅销书《时间简史》而著称。Malik quit the band last month, saying he wanted to live a normal life after five years of touring and performing.马利克于3月解散单向乐队。